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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate width / sizing

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I have been fitted for a Graf 370 in 8.5 D.

The D width is snug, however I have always had issues with skate width / pinching on the outer front edge of the foot despite the fact that my foot width measures out to a D width. This has been the case even after heat molding. I'm tired of having the same issue despite the brand of skate

My question is that if I go to an E width should I drop down to a size 8 instead of an 8.5? I have been told that if you add width that you may want to drop down a 1/2 size. Also If I heat mold the skate will that tend to increase the skare size and make the E width too wide?

Unfortunately non of the pro shops in my area seem to carry any brand of skate in an E width. I also should mention that I have tried Easton, RBK and CCM in D width all seem to have the same issue. The Graf's seem t feel the best thus far followed closely by RBK

Any help or insight would be appreciated


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I have been fitted for a Graf 370 in 8.5 D.

The D width is snug, however I have always had issues with skate width / pinching on the outer front edge of the foot despite the fact that my foot width measures out to a D width. This has been the case even after heat molding. I'm tired of having the same issue despite the brand of skate

My question is that if I go to an E width should I drop down to a size 8 instead of an 8.5? I have been told that if you add width that you may want to drop down a 1/2 size. Also If I heat mold the skate will that tend to increase the skare size and make the E width too wide?

Unfortunately non of the pro shops in my area seem to carry any brand of skate in an E width. I also should mention that I have tried Easton, RBK and CCM in D width all seem to have the same issue. The Graf's seem t feel the best thus far followed closely by RBK

Any help or insight would be appreciated


Graf G70 is wider in the forefoot might fit you better - it is the same setup your currently in with a deep instep, medium heel width, only difference is the stiffness - G70 is extra-stiff - - boots can also be stretched out or punched at the point where your having issues. I used boot stretchers to stretch out my boots a little - I always had the same problem - my feet would hurt pretty bad - - just ordered some G70's to test the forefoot theory width myself - I had Graf's 705 in R (regular) width and ordered G70 in R also. I wouldn't drop a size to get a wider boot - doesn't make sense - might fix the width issue but then you created a length issue - I think most drop a size to compensate for the whole boot is wider when wide is ordered - they have the same problem - only need it wider at the top not at the heel - so they drop a size to get a tighter feel - I would start by having your current boots punched out on the outer sides to give some room. If not maybe try on some G70's or if you go with the RBK's keep same size boots maybe add some different insoles to fill the gaps if needed

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