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Skate sharpening in Sydney Australia?

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OK, I've been getting my skates sharpened at a local rink. I think they are using either a too-hard wheel, or too fast surface speed or not dressing the wheel often enough, or all of the above. (Chatter marks and poor surface finish) Been using them because its convenient and they try their hardest I guess. But next time I'm gonna try this place in Ryde, Sydney: Skaters Network

I have also heard there is a guy in Castle Hill who does a great job of sharpening hockey skates, but still trying to find his details.

edit: I have found the details of the guy in Castle Hill. Got a sharpening from him recently, he did a great job. PM me if you want his details.

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OK, I've been getting my skates sharpened at a local rink. I think they are using either a too-hard wheel, or too fast surface speed or not dressing the wheel often enough, or all of the above. (Chatter marks and poor surface finish) Been using them because its convenient and they try their hardest I guess. But next time I'm gonna try this place in Ryde, Sydney: Skaters Network

I have also heard there is a guy in Castle Hill who does a great job of sharpening hockey skates, but still trying to find his details.

edit: I have found the details of the guy in Castle Hill. Got a sharpening from him recently, he did a great job. PM me if you want his details.

Watch out because there is a lot of unexperienced employees skate sharpenner. You have to get in touch or be advice by a person that is familiar with a good sharpening according to the softness of your local ice surface.


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