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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any tapered blades that feel similar to the One95 blade?

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Been using a One95 blade for a while now in a few different shafts and I'm simply addicted to the "soft", yet responsive feel it offers. Not to mention that it is an absolute tank of a blade, takes more beating than any Easton blades I used for 11 years, and doesn't weigh much.

However, I just bought a couple tapered One95 shafts and obviously need a tapered blade for them. I have an SE16 blade that I might toss in it to begin with, but do any of the tapered blades on the market offer a feel even remotely similar to the One95 blades?

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I've never used them side-to-side, but I think I remember the Mission Pro Stocks feeling somewhat similar. The ones that I had had a pretty long hosel - longer than some standard blades.

I've had awesome luck with Dolo and Inno blades, although they don't feel quite as soft to me. I also use a fairly gunky wax (Mr. Zog's) which seems to soften the feel a little.

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