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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Axiom Sizing

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Hi guys

Does anyone have any info on the Mission Axiom sizing?

I wont be able to try them on as they wont be over here int he UK for at least 6 months, so am going to pre-order from Hockey Monkey.

I'm currently using 10EE Mission Lieutentants - anyone know what I should go for with the Axioms?


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The Axiom sizing will run similar to last year's SE line up. If you are in a 10EE Lieutenant then you are going to be in a 9EE in the Axiom line up. If you like them real snug them you might go with an 8.5EE? Just guessing but are you a 10.5-11 shoe size?


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The Axiom sizing will run similar to last year's SE line up. If you are in a 10EE Lieutenant then you are going to be in a 9EE in the Axiom line up. If you like them real snug them you might go with an 8.5EE? Just guessing but are you a 10.5-11 shoe size?


Sean, if I wear a 6.5D in the One95 right now, will the 6.5D be perfect in the T9/T8? I know that they are based off of the Supreme last.

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