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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What slides most like a Rocket Puck?

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I am coaching a State Wars team and need to stop at TotalHockey on the way down tomorrow to pick up pucks for warm-ups. Total is close to the rink and on my way down there, but they don't carry Rocket Pucks. Based on their website they carry Sonic and ProPuck.

I think Sonic, but don't have experience with either....

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Looks like they have RocketPucks on the website for me. The closest would probably be the IDS puck, then the Mylec and the Sonics are next, with the Rbk/Jofa puck coming in last due to the weight and different hardness of the plastic. The Pro Pucks are in a special ed class of their own, they are ridiculously heavy and don't even slide very well.

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