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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Kronik Stick

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I love the warrior mac daddy sticks, but since they don't make them anymore I can't find a 100flex Kovalev anymore I switched to the Dolomite, I've used it for about half a year and I don't really like it, I perfer the true one piece of the mac daddy, I've been told my a friend that the warrior Kronik is the same as the mac daddy it's a true one piece, but I just watched a stick review from hockeyus on youtube reviewing the 2008 Kronik and in the video he say's it's not a true one piece it's like the dolo and you can even see in the video that it's a two piece. So i'm wondering did they change the Kronik to true on after 2008 or was my friend wrong about it being a true one piece?

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"The Kronik is also the only stick in the Warrior line that features a true one-piece construction"- from IceWarehouse

I have 2 Dolomite Spyne's and a DD, and I agree they arent as good as the Kronik (I had the 08)

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