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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok so I've been wearing RBKs for most of my playing days. However I am getting really sick of the quality especially with the pro model stuff. The knee cradles in my P2 leg pads has been repaired god knows how many times. My skates have literally fallen apart. My glove has been stitched up 3 times already. Oh and my equipment is only 2 seasons old!!! I played junior hockey for the last two years and am moving on to college. I am just trying to get some suggestions on equipment that is made here in North America. I've talked extensively with Smith, Brians, and Simmons. Right now I'm leaning more towards Smith 1) the price for a full set is awesome 2) I know that if something goes wrong they'll back it (Unlike RBK)and 3) they can custom fit me for whatever I need and will continue to check up on it while I own them. Any suggestions?

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I highly recommend Smith. Pete's craftsmanship is second to none, and his new 6000s appear to, for all intents and purposes, not be subject to the classic wear pattern of goalie pads. They simply don't break down on the inside edge. It's a remarkable design, and perfectly executed. His movable strapping system is also far and away the best design so far. Definitely get in touch with him about a demo set - it'll be worth it to try out the glove in particular, which is quite different from Lefebvre's. You'll just need to pay for shipping.

Brian's does phenomenal work as well, and their Zero G design will feel much closer to a Lefebvre/Reebok design (in terms of that solid, stiff feel, especially through the shin) because of their foams; they're also unbelievably light. Workmanship is on par with Smith. Price is, of course, a significant premium over Smith for custom work.

Simmons are definitely not up to the standard of the other two. They do fill a meaningful role in the marketplace, but their designs and workmanship are simply below the level of Smith or Brian's. The problem isn't just their lack of innovation; their build quality just isn't up to snuff. I know full well that Simmons pads have been used at the collegiate and minor pro level, and they make a big point of saying so in their marketing, but the proof is in the pudding.

So call that a hearty 'second' on your direction toward Smith. You won't be disappointed. And if you do get them, definitely throw up a review on MSH. It'd be great to have one from a Reebok migrator with some good playing experience.

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You played 2 seasons of junior hockey with one set, that's pretty good, considering, you were likely practicing 4 times a week plus games. When I sold my P1's, they had 3 years of 4 times a week (albeit beer league and pick up) but still were in great shape despite a lot of hockey. I think at your level of play you are going to get a lot of wear and tear and any gear from any manufacturer is going to take a beating. The materials used on all pro level gear is virtually the same. Having said that, both Smith and Brians would be a good choice. I've been using the Zero G's pads/gloves for about 1 year and they are simply the lightest things you'll ever put on. Great design and work well for me. No issues with durability or breakdown, and the customer service it there when you need it.

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