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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are bone contussios

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Well i just got back from the hospital, to see what my MRI says. And apperntly i have a party torn mcl and bone contussions in my knee. What are bone contussions??

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Well whats a serious one, because the doctor said that the "grizzle" wore away and theres alot of bone to bone contact and that I should stay away from running sports for a year.

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I believe the "grizzle" he referred to is your meniscus. It is a cushion in your knee joint so the 2 bones don't rub together. The meniscus is held in place by the medial collateral ligament (MCL). So it is common to have a meniscus injury with moderate to severe MCL injuries.

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exactly, one of my girls tore her acl, meniscus and had deep bone contusions on here femur. poor girl to was gonna be a star this year, she actually just had the surgey 3 weeks ago and here knee is at 120.

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When i had a bone contussion on my knee, my doctor described it as if a piece of wood got hit with a hammer but didnt break. It only dented the wood. So i guess that means my bone was dented.

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I believe the "grizzle" he referred to is your meniscus.  It is a cushion in your knee joint so the 2 bones don't rub together.  The meniscus is held in place by the medial collateral ligament (MCL).  So it is common to have a meniscus injury with moderate to severe MCL injuries.

I take it from this and some of your other posts that you are at least an "EMT" if not even more qualified in the medical profession...do you work as a trainer?

Along the same lines...is the meniscus the "sac" under the patella? If so and it is perforated from impact on the patella or nearby, is there fluid which may leak out? Is this what causes the swelling known as "water on the knee"? Can it ever heal completely, or will every impact in this area continue to cause it to leak and the knee to swell up under/around the patella?

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