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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What kind of holders?

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Can anybody enlighten me as to what kind of holders are on Andrew Ladd's skates?

They are called quik blades. They were invented by Rick Hampton (My father), who has been working with Wally Tatomir and a canadian engineering company to try and perfect the product and bring it to market. I have worn the quik blade system for 16 years, played junior in them and beat the hell out of 'em. Regardless, Quik Blade gives the edge in consistency and time. I do remember seeing andrew Ladd go into the net last year, skates first. He was back out next shift! That wouldn't have happened in any other skate. D.H.

Oh, you don't say..

Clearly T-Blades and their holders are created with nearly every available radius and ROH available, making a quick-replaceable runner that can be (that needs to be) profiled and sharpened obsolete, at least in the retail market.

But what is the cost of replacing the T-blade? Going by experience, The skate sharpening industry, *(which usually runs on a cash in pocket industry)and is also close to a billion dollar industry, doesn't like their cash to be taken away. Especially those lil proshops who pay their bills with their sharpening money. The Quik Blade doesn't take away, but helps both the small guy and the big guy.

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Especially those lil proshops who pay their bills with their sharpening money. The Quik Blade doesn't take away, but helps both the small guy and the big guy.

Something tells me that the bottom line is not on the mind of NHL EM's who's single error can cost a player/team injury/points. Bigger fish to fry, IMO.

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