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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fit Question

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I am looking at Vapor x40s, but need some advice on fit. I tried on a buddy's 8.5's (baked to his foot and broken in) and they felt awesome. Great heel lock, very comfortable, virtually zero negative space, but my toe does not quite reach the toe cap. I also tried on an un-baked brand new pair of 8's at my LHS and they were really tight, and my toe was curled up at the end.

Should I be worried that the 8.5 is too long, given that I can't feel the cap?

Could the 8 be stretched and punched to where it is actually the perfect skate for me? (Let me re-iterate that they felt pretty darn small on my foot.)

FWIW, I couldn't even get a 7.5 on my foot, and I tried on a 9 just for fun----it was HUGE.

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I am looking at Vapor x40s, but need some advice on fit. I tried on a buddy's 8.5's (baked to his foot and broken in) and they felt awesome. Great heel lock, very comfortable, virtually zero negative space, but my toe does not quite reach the toe cap. I also tried on an un-baked brand new pair of 8's at my LHS and they were really tight, and my toe was curled up at the end.

Should I be worried that the 8.5 is too long, given that I can't feel the cap?

Could the 8 be stretched and punched to where it is actually the perfect skate for me? (Let me re-iterate that they felt pretty darn small on my foot.)

FWIW, I couldn't even get a 7.5 on my foot, and I tried on a 9 just for fun----it was HUGE.

Personally I would go with the 8.5's. If your toes were curled at the end in 8's then they should fit fine in 8.5's. A good rule of thumb is to push your foot all the way to the front of the skate and stick your index and middle finger in there. If only one fits then they're good. If two fit and they're in there snugly then they should be fine. Its all personal preference though.

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You should never trust by feel on a new skate based on someone else's skate. The best way to check is to do the footbed test and pull it out and see where your foot is when resting on top of it. IW has a video on the proper way to do it. Puckmugger also has a great description of how your new skate should fit also.

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