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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rollerblades for ice hockey skates

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has anybody seen these things....i heard some guy talking about rollerblade "covers" that go over your ice skates...they're made for when you're warming up you can put your ice skates on, you can put these covers over the blades and skate around in the locker room or wherever you're warming up before you go on the ice...he couldn't remember the name...

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has anybody seen these things....i heard some guy talking about rollerblade "covers" that go over your ice skates...they're made for when you're warming up you can put your ice skates on, you can put these covers over the blades and skate around in the locker room or wherever you're warming up before you go on the ice...he couldn't remember the name...

ive seen them at my local peranis. they are just blade guards with wheels attached. just a gimmick. don't expect to do any real skating on them.

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