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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate help.

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Sorry couldn't find exactly what I was looking for anyways..

My dad has been filming my games for the past couple of years now and has always said I'm a good skater, but I'm always uncomfortable watching the way I skate. It looks to me that my ankles are bending and my feet feel like they are too small for my skates, width wise. Now I have ccm u+ 07's in a d width. Also I can never tighten them enough, most tightening is around the top eyelets. Ive heard ankle exercises may help, but was wondering if a narrower stiffer boot might help and if so what brand/model?

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You might have a pair of skates that don't fit your feet. You might have a EE sized boot when you might need D? Best reccomendation is to go to your hockey shop and try on some skates. Might be more expensive but you usually can get the best fit to your foot and many of them will bake the skate for free if you buy them there.

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Id agree that your best course of action would be going to a skate shop and finding out exactly what the correct size for you is.

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