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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chest Protector Help

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I'm 5'11" around 145 pounds, always been using x pluse pros sz s. Should I be using size M chest protector, and can you recommend good chest protectors? I live in swiss so hard to get brands like Smith

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It depends. How does the S X-Pulse fit you? If it fits well, and you feel comfy playing in them, why switch to medium? You might find that the extra bulk could mess with your comfort level and hinder your movements.

However, if the arms are short and the rib protection doesn't quite cover you enough, it may be time to switch to a medium.

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Fortunately for your decision process, Smith doesn't make a C/A.

The good news is that C/As are very easily altered, especially in the arms. Many brands simply have the arms laced in at the shoulders, with three or four rows of eyelets available to adjust the length of the arms. Even if they aren't set up that way, it's child's play to change the length of the arms for any tailor or seamstress.

The most reputable name in C/As is John Brown, of Brown Hockey. He's been outfitting NHLers for decades, and his gear is simply unmatched. Apart from Brown, you need to shop around a bit. Reebok C/A's (like Koho before them) are very protective, but relatively bulky and restrictive. Vaughn C/A's are quite mobile, as a rule, but tend to be lacking in arm protection, especially at the joints. Your old X-Pulse is an evolution of the Heaton design that was one of the few to challenge Brown at the NHL level, at least until Reebok scooped half the league. You won't likely find anything much like it now.

Honestly, buying a C/A is like buying a sportcoat. You need to buy what fits, but it's equally important to buy something that works with your pants. There are few things more irritating or risky than a pair of pants and a C/A that don't fit will together.

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