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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaft flex ratings after being cut: 8K and One95?

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I apologize if this has been answered before but I couldn't find anything using the searches.

I want to pick up a Reebok 8K shaft and Bauer One95 shaft and various blades to play around with. Unfortunately my LHS is in low supply of shafts outside of Warrior.

I would need to cut between 2" and 4" off the Reebok to make it my preferred height. Can anyone tell me what the 8K in 75 flex lists on the 2" and 4" cutoff marks on the butt end? Is it the same 3 flex increase every 2 inches like the 85 flex shaft claims? (60" = 85; 58" = 88; 56" = 91)

My LHS didn't have any One95's so I didn't get any info on those. Can anyone tell me what the cutoff marks would be for the 77 and 87 flex One95 shafts? I would only need to cut about 2" or 3" off this one.

Thanks much in advance

- Kevin

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Can anyone tell me what the cutoff marks would be for the 77 and 87 flex One95 shafts? I would only need to cut about 2" or 3" off this one.

Thanks much in advance

- Kevin

I can tell you the marks on a One95 77 flex shaft, since I just bought one yesterday. First cut line (2") is marked 84. The second cut line (4") is marked 92.

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Thanks for that trtaylor. I also just ran across this:


Can anyone speak on the 8K shaft in 75 flex?

Thanks - Kevin

Lol I really need to get a new stick. According to that chart my One95 is about a 145 flex now after it broke! I am using a combination of a Bauer composite end plug and a wood plug to get it back to it's original length, so I'm sure it's not actually a 145. That still justifies spending the money on a new one soon though...

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