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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Base Wheels

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Has anyone ever used these wheels? Base Wheels

I've never really heard anything about them, but I'm looking for a set of cheap outdoor wheels for coaching and these seem quite a good deal.

But I dont want to spend on them if they are rubbish!

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I have found them for £12 for 4, which is at least £8 cheaper than most other wheels. I am needing wheels as soon as possible so I dont really have time to order from across the pond. Sadly gear is just mega expensive over here.

I'm just not sure if they are horrendous wheels or not.

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I've never really used outdoor wheels so I don't know. I'll only be coaching so won't be too hard on the wheels. I weigh about 160lbs, would these wheels be too hard?

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