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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to protect the toe from wearing away?

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Not sure what it's called, so have added a pic. It's the bit that protects the boot when you lean too much or slide.

On all the boot's I've had, this bit gets worn down to the point where it starts a hole between the boot and the floor plate (or whatever the flat bit is called).

Will silicon spray or something similar (slippery and 'barrier' creating) do the job? Any recommendations?



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pro guard makes a brush on applicator to protect the fabric on the toe box. google- pro guard hockey skate protector.put on the first coat, then let dry. add three coats.Ive used pro guard on my bauer skates and it works fine for ice. give it a try. Are you playing on a sport court surface or outdoor.

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pro guard makes a brush on applicator to protect the fabric on the toe box. google- pro guard hockey skate protector.put on the first coat, then let dry. add three coats.Ive used pro guard on my bauer skates and it works fine for ice. give it a try. Are you playing on a sport court surface or outdoor.

I've used pro guard, but depending on the surface you play on I've also found that simply putting a layer of epoxy on the toe box will act as a grind layer. Meaning it'll still grind away but when it does all you have to do is add another layer of epoxy. It's not terribly hard to do but it doesn't blend in as much as pro guard does.

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