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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok/Koho Street Hockey Goalie Kit

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So Hockey Monkey is having a sale of their Reebok/Koho Street Hockey Goalie Kit. Aside from the fact that these are extremely cheap, in quality, any reason why this wouldn't be a suitable set for ball hockey or a beginner roller hockey league on smooth concrete?

I would probably get an actual chest protector for any roller hockey game I'd play.

I volunteered to be the back up/fill in goalie for my team since our goalie can't make it to a game or two this season but I can see myself playing more in goal for ball hockey when I don't feel like running.

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That outfit would be OK for facing tennis balls. A classic orange road-hockey ball would probably give you some memorable stingers, especially in the arms and nipples. I wouldn't trust it against any kind of puck, except maybe those hollow plastic or foam-rubber ones, and even then you'd get some mighty welts.

I mean, if what you're looking to do is stand in the net, take a few lumps and make a few saves, it'll be fine. Those pieces of fabric-covered foam will fill as much of the net as any other pieces of fabric-covered foam that cost twenty times more.

Having said that, my advice in these situations is always to pay a little more and get a little more: buy decent used gear on eBay, craigslist, or classifieds. I've seen glove sets go for $30, pads for $60-$75, C/As for $30, and so on. I usually advise this for three reasons: you'll enjoy using it more; if you really like the position and want to play more you won't have to upgrade, and oyu won't have to eat your initial investment; and if you don't like it, you can sell the stuff again for almost exactly what you paid, and wash your hands of it.

Then again, there is something to be said for the convenience of walking into a retail store and coming out with a bag of equipment that only smells faintly of caustic petrochemicals, rather than spending hours on eBay buying gloves that may be from Drewhunz's 'dead wet hooker' lineup.

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