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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing tired Mission AG-X skates

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My Mission AG-X skates are finally about toast. I want to narrow my options before hitting the LHS's so I would like to ask which skates out there are most similar in fit. I know the AG-X is a lower profile skate but I don't mind a higher boot, and would actually prefer a higher profile skate, but with the heel/arch/forefoot fit qualities of the AG-X. Not sure if other Mission skates fit that bill.

Intermediate level skater so I don't need anything top of the line. Thanks!!

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I tried the Vapors at my LHS. Good fit but by narrow-ish ankles lifted in them. I imagine skating hard in them would cause even more lift. Otherwise fit was good. Tried the Vapor X:40's.

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I tried the Vapors at my LHS. Good fit but by narrow-ish ankles lifted in them. I imagine skating hard in them would cause even more lift. Otherwise fit was good. Tried the Vapor X:40's.

the fuel 120 ag or xp would fit the bill well they still got a ton at HM for 199, real nice skate

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the fuel 120 ag or xp would fit the bill well they still got a ton at HM for 199, real nice skate

Cool! I'll check them out. Also have a LHS that carried Missions, maybe they have some I can try on. Would the sizing be the same? I wear an 8.5 in the AG-X. Thanks for the reply.

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