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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Possible New Skates

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Hey guys,

I have a pair of vapor xxxx's and used them for about 2 years now. I was skating probably 3-4 times a week before and now maybe 2-3 times when I get the chance. I played on my university team so its pretty high paced. Around half a year ago i started getting mad lacebite. it was on and off.. about 3 months ago i picked up white felt tongues for them and it eased the lace bite a bit. During that span til now I've had maybe 2 more lacebites in the last 3 months. I was on the ice last friday and the lacebite felt like it chewed through my ankles. I dont know whats wrong. I've had the original xx's and one90's prior to these skates and never had this problem...

So is the material dying down? When I bend my legs (aggresive hockey stance) my right skate (lacebite foot) caves in --> when I bend forward, the skate bends like its supposed to about 45 degrees, but you can make out a slight "S" bend on the ankle area (is the material weakening?) I work at a hockey shop and the pro stock vapor xxxx's feel solid compare to mine (maybe its not my boot thats soft, but the pro xxxx's ar ejust super stiff)

1) Anyone have this problem?

Sometimes I feel like the boot is too deep and when i tie up the whole boot, I get tiny lacebite just above the ankle. I've tried adding just the heel part of an insole to mimic profiled skates (tilt skate slight forwards). It help a bit but now lacebite is ankles. I need the top eyelets tied because I need to feel that full push on a stride and cross over.

2) are vapor xxxx a deep boot?

3) what skates would you guys recommend? I am leaning towards one95's....

4) by the way, has anyone shrinked their gloves in the washing machine or another way???

Please elighten me. Vapor xxxx all time favorite skates, but lacebite sucks...

thanks for the help guys, any help would be appreciated cheers

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