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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Holder question

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So after a good try(20 games) at using One95 skates, I like my old Graf 727's better. So question is I want to lighten up the 727's. It currently has the Graf NT3000 holders on them right now. I am not sure of the weight of them. But what would be a lighter holder that I could stick on? I use to have T-blades on them, loved them but the selection of blades died.



Also btw what would used pro-stock 9.5 EE One95's be worth?

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here's a question for ya

do you like your grafs better because of the fit or the way you skate on them?

its really hard to lighten up that 727, anything done wont be that noticeable for you.

and on the one95s value, depends on the condition and amount of steel left. if average to good on both, probably ~150-175. if in fair to bad on one or the other, probably 100-150. totally depends on the buyer.

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here's a question for ya

do you like your grafs better because of the fit or the way you skate on them?

its really hard to lighten up that 727, anything done wont be that noticeable for you.

and on the one95s value, depends on the condition and amount of steel left. if average to good on both, probably ~150-175. if in fair to bad on one or the other, probably 100-150. totally depends on the buyer.

I like the grafs better because of the way they fit. I like the lower cut and not really a fan of the stiffness of the One95. Also i guess its because of the way I skate because of the lower cut vs the One95. As it is now I don't do the top two eye lets on the one95. I find my foot fits better and heel stays locked in better on the grafs also..

The One95's have been sharpened about 10 times at the most, I only wore them playing drop in hockey.

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You will not solve this problem; the only thing lighter might be the old CCM Pro Late holder which will be 10 grams less a difference you will not notice. Second issue is pitch, if you put in a different holder then your pitch alters and you will have other problems to deal with. Unless you tell your sharpener to grind the runner to its half size you will not make substantial difference to the skate.


How much does the pitch very? I always get my blades profiled but I know that wouldn't take care of the pitch. Also anyone know what kind of pitch is on t-blades compared to say cobra NT3000 holders or the One95 Lightspeed 2? I noticed I skated the best and had the best stability on my skates using the t-blades.

I would love a skate low cut like the 727 but light like the one95 or UL.

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How much does the pitch very? I always get my blades profiled but I know that wouldn't take care of the pitch. Also anyone know what kind of pitch is on t-blades compared to say cobra NT3000 holders or the One95 Lightspeed 2? I noticed I skated the best and had the best stability on my skates using the t-blades.

I would love a skate low cut like the 727 but light like the one95 or UL.

So I ended up going with some new tuuks and step steel.

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