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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just watched the show for the first time in a while. I dont know if any of you watch it, but this guy has been on for like 3 months or something crazy like that. Anyways, he was still on the show today! Is it a repeat or is this guy still on the show??

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Ken Jennings has been on Jeopardy for a while but they prerecord their shows(like others) and I heard he loses at about $2 million something. But the man is a beast, and he is Mormon. ;)

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He just won again. He has over 2mill.

I understand, but I was saying that he loses with over 2 million dollars. The shows are already pre-recorded air-go people know his final amount.

I believe his final total was $2,125,301. Still isn't bad for answering some questions.

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