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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sanding SE16 Stick and flex questions

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Hey guys,

I recently just bought a SE16 stick in a 65 flex. The corners are a little too boxy for my liking, so if I sanded the corners (of the middle only, where my bottom hand is) to make it more rounded, would that cause any structural damage to the stick?

Also, I've read on the forums that low kickpoint sticks are usually stiffer, and in this case, my SE16 feels stiffer than my 74 flex One95, which is way too stiff for me. Should I go down to a 60 flex? Or will the stick "break in" over time and become whippier?


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It will break in a bit. Also, the amount that you would have to sand the corners to make a noticeable difference in terms of "roundness" would severely compromise the strength of the stick. It's not very thick at all, so sanding anything off those corners is going to really hurt it.

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