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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Euless Texas Beer League

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Looking for a D-League level team that plays out of Euless. Played Defense and Center in Bronze and Silver (I, and D respectively) at Nytex but I ref now and can no longer play organized at that location.

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i just moved to the area from the bay area, ca and im looking for a team. looking for a B or C league team in Euless or Farmer's branch. I understand, theres no A league here anymore?? im out at drop-in's pretty often so if anyone comes out for those too, let me know!

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i just moved to the area from the bay area, ca and im looking for a team. looking for a B or C league team in Euless or Farmer's branch. I understand, theres no A league here anymore?? im out at drop-in's pretty often so if anyone comes out for those too, let me know!

A league is generally held during the summer months when most players who play professionally are back in the area after the hockey season, at least at the Star Centers.

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I play at nytex but i am looking to get in another league so if you hear of any teams looking for players i would be very interested


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