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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone play Pool?

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As most know, I'm a Liverpool supporter, but this has nothing to do with them.

The Pool I'm talking about is the table game where you try to knock all the balls off the table with a cue. I'm looking to get back to playing pool more regularly and want to know what cue brands that anyone can recommend? I might also be considering getting a pool table for the home, unfortunately space is a real constaint at home with a small garage that is only 11ft across (length is not a problem). So its either to play at the local pool hall near work, or buy a cheap 6ft table (and most likely get frustrated due to the small size).

Any recommendations?

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I do, actually at one point I was one of the best players in Tampa.

How much are you looking to spend? I've used many different cues and my favorite are pre-2002 Meucci cues with the red dot shaft. I've used Predator, Viking, McDermott, Lucasi, Balabushka(new, not old), Adams, Joss, Scorpion, Cuetec and more.

I really like the Meucci ferrule and the weight system, I use an 18oz cue but if I used 19 or heavier the Meucci system would be ideal for balance. The problem currently with Meucci is the quality, I had a PP02 and I thought the craftsmanship was horrible, such a shame because it felt good and looked fantastic.

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Friend who has a gold crown in the basement let me use his predator cue last time we played and it was best cue that I've used to date.

I think that your assessment of the smaller table at home is correct, you'll get tired of the smaller table really fast.

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