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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood 5030 composite

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Anyone have any info on the 5030 composite? I am looking to jump back into the one piece composite game after having used my backup wood 5030 Coffey sticks for the summer. My shot seemed livelier with the wood and I believe it was because my old composite was too stiff after cutting down. The woodies are 85 flex and I cut them down from 58" to 55-56". Any suggestions on a OPS around $100 which would most closely match that in performance? I was thinking a 5030 comp or T90 in 77 flex but am open to any brand.

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Switching to OPS is not going to solve your problem.

Just go down in flex or use the wood if it's better.

And not trying to be an ass, but nothing composite will "match" wood sticks in performance.(Not saying which is better)

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I'd buy a 5030 woodie before the 5030 composite and save $50 doing it. I think the composite was more of a novelty, as it is made to look like the woodie with limited performance.

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