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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL Player's Stick Length

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I like mine just under my chin, but I'm 6'1 so it doesn't make it too short, so I can still poke check pretty well.

Thats what she said!

I had to! Sorry I know it's immature!

it's personal preference. there's a defenseman on my team who's a solid foot taller than me uses a shorter stick than me. my stick is cut to my chin on skates. he has a canon of a shot and has no issues taking the puck away.

My slap shot is harder and my wristers are more accurate with the shorter stick as well.

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My slap shot is harder and my wristers are more accurate with the shorter stick as well.

I too prefer to use a bit of a shorter stick. Well, my idea of short would be an uncut One 95, so I guess 60'? But I used to be your typical stay at home defensemen, so I tried to get away with as long a stick as I could. I often used the Sherwood RM line for it's extra length. But since my playing style changed, I required a shorter stick for rushing, passing and deking. Oh and I shoot a bit better with it too.

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Huselius' stick is ridiculously long!

Due to your previous post and now reading this, I feel the impending need to say it. Yeah. That's what she said. Or he. I guess it can go either way. And that it ALSO what she said! Haha sorry. :laugh:

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I'm 6'9" and thankful the Easton Synergy ST comes in a 65" in the 115 flex. I only have to add a couple of inches of extension to get it up to my chin (in skates).

With other sticks I have to do a ton of research around lengths. I got lucky at the latest SJ Sharks pro stock sale where I picked up an extra-long Bauer Vapor X:60 that used to belong to Rob Blake. But with other sticks I've found that you've got to put together a very solid adhesion between the extension and shaft; if you don't, like I found out, you'll have to re-glue the extension because you can feel the glue breaking loose.

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