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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Foot Problem, need help!

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Ok so I am going to keep a long story short:

I bought a pair of Vapor XXX skates in December and in the store they fit great. A few skates in i notices my right foot would not sit right in the heel so I had them re-baked, didn't work. Next they said the insole was defective in the back and they changed them and again, didn't work. So I found a temporary fix by using a really thin insole for a few month but my heel would still not sit right and my foot would shift to the left so after some skating, it would look that if I were standing straight on ice, my skate would be tilted like so \ My final solution were superfeet and getting the heel punched out and using skate socks and it worked for a little while and now the heel feels a tad lose which isn't such a problem BUT my skate is still shifting so that it stands on the ice like \. My left skate is perfect and fits perfect buy my right one is a pain, I really would prefer not to buy another pair of skates but if there is no other option, I may just have to. So my question is, how can I fix the issue of my foot sliding in the skate which makes my blade sit like this \ on the ice? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Have you checked to see that the holder is mounted on center? A lot of them come from the factory with the holder misaligned, and that could contribute to the skate standing crooked like that. It has to be on center to the boot, not the outsole - sometimes the outsole is actually offset on the boot and the holder is not centered on the outsole when it is correctly centered on the boot. Something to look at, anyway.

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Thanks for all the replies but it turns out the Holder was aligned off center causing the problem. Unfortunately my skate guy couldn't realign the holder because he felt that it would compromise the integrity of the skate too much. He said he could lift one side but it would still be off center. In the end, I decided to buy new skates as I was tired of the hassle of the Bauer Vapor skates (they were x30's not XXX, my bad) so I got fitted for CCM U 12's and lucky for me, I fit PERFECT in them =)

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I had the same problem but on opposite feet, it is agonizingly annoying to have that unsettled feeling in your skate. My issue wasn't so much sliding, more like misalignment, but in the same manner as yours. The other day I was reading through the "skate fit too loose" or something to that effect thread, and someone mentioned sizing SuperFeet insoles by arch length not foot size. i went up a size for my left skate and it has worked like a dream. it's a shame spending $40 on one insole but still less expensive than podiatrist orthotics.

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