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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacement knee pads for Smiths

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I got Smiths pads and gloves this past summer and I've been extremely happy with them. I have not, however, been happy with the knee pads. I feel as if they don't provide sufficient protection and coverage. For instance, they turn and expose portions of my knees. I have put tape over them and they still do it, though not as much. As far as protection, they were covering my knees one game and a player bumped them and my knee was numb for a bit. The one big scare I did have a few months ago was the knee pads exposed a good portion of my knee and I got hit with a shot dead on, literally an inch above my knee cap. Suffice to say when that hit, I layed on the ice for about 10 minutes, unable to move. So can anyone recommend a replacement system for knee protection, either thigh boards or a better set of knee pads? I emailed Pete and he said that the knee pads may not suit everyone and I think that's where I fall in to. Thanks in advance.

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Toronto Hockey Repair makes a set that work very well as does Sarah at PAW. I have examples from both and, at the moment, I'd say the ones from THR are my favorites.


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I use the Reebok Premier 2 Pro Knee Protectors, and they actually had too much padding haha. I took off the front knee cap pad and they fit a lot better with my pants and knee cradle. They never shift out of position, and I've never felt anything on my knees with them.

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