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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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huge sale for national toronto

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i was at national today looking for a blade, and there having a sale next week

rubber response - 99 CDN

nike v12 skates - 199

easton air skate (2003) - 199

bauer 3000/4000 gloves - 70

easton air pants - 85 (2003 i think)

and theres much more....theres also a buy one get 2nd half price deal on all sticks/shafts/blades

just giving a heads up

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v12's for $199 CAD? Damn, not too shabby. Someone better snag a pair...

Theres always a catch, like only a certain size or only 10 pairs per store. I hate when they put that tiny print in the sale flyers,

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yah...they had Vapor 1c's at Sportchek a couple months ago...they were all sold out within the first day of the sale...they probably didn't have much

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yea it says "while quantities last" but if it fits i guess your in luck.... an another thing, national usually sells top of the line equipment from last year or discontinued models for really cheap....does this mean nike is coming out with a new skate line?

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yea it says "while quantities last" but if it fits i guess your in luck.... an another thing, national usually sells top of the line equipment from last year or discontinued models for really cheap....does this mean nike is coming out with a new skate line?

Well bauer released 2 top of the line skates and are releasing another before nike releases one, so yes my bet is that they are.

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Does anyone know if the V-12's fit at all like the Quest series skates?

Looking for a good answer, not like I think so or sumthing.

Quests are narrower.

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I'm swimming in the Heels, the front is too narrow for me (as usually with all EE skates), but the heels are the only skates i've ever had that are too big.

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Hey all,

I picked up a pair of those Easton Air pants for $85 ( :D ), not sure what year they are, the Easton tag has a copyright date of 2000, but they're definitely not the 2000 pants, they look just about exactly the same as the 2004 Airs, so if anyone knows what year they are, please let me know!

Btw, no worries about 10 per store, the National at McCowan and 401 has about 40 pairs, size 48-52.

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The National location at McCowand and 401 was a zoo.

The LH TPS sticks were gone by 6:30 (they opened at 5:00pm!), but I wonder if they won't bring out more. All-in-all, this sale isn't as good as it used to be, but worth going to take a look at nonetheless.

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Sorry to drag up a really old topic, but does anyone know what kind of price/selection National has on the V-12s right now? I'm thinking about picking up a pair, but I don't live in Ontario.

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The Nike Quest V-12 is still being sold at $199.99. The Nike Flexlite 12 at $599.99 (if I remember correctly) and the Nike Flexlite 10 at $369.99. All of this information is as of September 8th.

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