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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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in search of new skates

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well as the topic states, I'm looking at purchasing a new set of skates and I'm leaning more towards the RBK/CCM route. I currently wear CCM U+07's and I "like" them. By "like", I mean i like the comfort that the U foam provides and I've always like the e-pro holder. The problem is that i've had this set of skates since May and from just playing men's league 2-3 times a week (and the ocational stab at my single-A hockey dream), Durability issues have already crept in with stiching comming apart in the upper part of the boot and tendon guard. On top of that, I've felt the need that I need a stiffer boot as I got the 07's to replace my CCM Controls (the inbetween of the U+ pro and reloadeds). I don't feel the same power in my stride like i used to.

Now today, I was in my LHS sniffing around the skates when I picked up the RBK 11k's and the CCM U+ CL. Now I know what I'm gonna with the CCM boot and I hope they fixed durability issuses with it, but the RBK's just look smexy, especially the white ones. They also had 7k's there which seemed pretty stiff as well (along with a lower price point). I've owned the old 7k's when they first came out and I didn't care for them at all and they pretty much fell apart. Have they fixed the durability issues with they new RBK line or do they still have the same problems? And how would the new RBK's feel as far as boot stiffness and boot height compared to the older models?

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