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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Torque Shaft {Mid 90's}

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I thought the Synergy SL was basically going to be just that...From what we have seen from the WCOH and certain magazines it would appear to be the case...

**Edit** - JR must have posted as I was typing this...*lol*

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My first real stick was a koho aluminum shaft. The next one I got was a A/C in a 110 flex (when I was 13) because I heard that the higher the flex, the harder you could shoot. Kind of funny now because I use a 85-100 flex now.

I might slap a blade in that A/C and use it in a game sometime.

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oh, wow. I must be slacking on keeping up with the latest hockey equipment :o shame on me. You know what it is... I've been spending too much time on those damn car messageboards :angry:

I'll have to spend more time at ModSquad

As for this Synergy SL... I'ma be bling blingin! :D

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I had a gold Easton alum shaft with burgundy letters - Pro Balance medium flex. Had more weight in the bottom of the shaft to increase blade speed on shots...

I love this retro gear stuff. Brings back the glory days!!

I played a few games with an offensive lineman for the Toronto Argonauts. He was about 6'2", 270lbs. He never took a slap shot, but the alum. shaft he used had a big curve in it. He would flip it over to straighten it with every new blade he put in.

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