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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 7K Goalie Mask - Dragon's Lair

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OK guys I need a little help on the sizing of this particular mask,Reebok 7K Goalie Mask - Dragon's Lair

well I guess reebok masks in general. I'm doing an online order.My son is 6 years old and the size of his head is 55.8cm . If I go by reebok's sizing it doesn't matter senior or junior he needs a medium which is 52-58cm. Am I looking at this right? Should I get the medium or the small which is 49-56cm.Any help would be great.Thanks.

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OK guys I need a little help on the sizing of this particular mask,Reebok 7K Goalie Mask - Dragon's Lair

well I guess reebok masks in general. I'm doing an online order.My son is 6 years old and the size of his head is 55.8cm . If I go by reebok's sizing it doesn't matter senior or junior he needs a medium which is 52-58cm. Am I looking at this right? Should I get the medium or the small which is 49-56cm.Any help would be great.Thanks.

Maybe it is because I am reading this at 5 in the morning, but something here doesn't sound right. The only two masks I have ever been able to get a kid that young to fit in were the youth Ricochet from Sportmask and the Eddy Tusk. If you go by the RBK sizing chart, he falls into the overlap area of the Small and Medium, so I guess you could go either way....I'm just surprised to hear he needs that large of a mask. I'm not super familiar with that mask, so I don't know if the different sizes are just different amounts of foam or if they are actually different sized shells. Just sounds like a lot of mask for a kid that age.

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Right now he is both a player and a goalie. I think he is just a little ahead of his age .Like I said he is 6 but his shin pads are that of a 8-10 year old.His player helmut is a Reebok 6K combo.It's a size "Medium" which is 55-59cm.The "large" Reebok mask is 55-62 cm .So that's my dilema. By looking at him you would say he is tall for his age, but he does not have a big head nor is he overweight .I've got an old EDDY senior large.it's just a little loose on the sides(not much)and the chin strap is about an inch too low.I figured His mask is the least thing I would have to change.I think I'll take him to try some on this week-end,before I invest the $$'s.

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So I got him the Bauer 1400 marvel mask (Venom/Spiderman)one. Size junior.Should be good for where he is right now.He tried on the Reebok 7k but was way too large.Would have loved the 7K cause I had it at 50% off.I'll get him the Reebok later on.

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