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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ovechkin fights?!

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I thought it was pretty interesting to see on "24/7" the Ovi Dubi fight, and you can hear in Ovi's microphone after they were on the ice both of them say "good job". Meanwhile in the actual broadcast of the game, Joe Michaletti (sp?) making it sound like they were going at each other earlier in the game, when, again thanks to the "24/7" episode, Dubi just told Ovechkin to grow his beard back. I think it just goes to show that sometimes we don't really know what it's like down there.

I give Ovi props though, he was just trying to fire his team up and tried something, for him at least i suppose, out of the norm.

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