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Combat 52 Caliber R

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Combat 52 Caliber R

Flex: 90(non-grip)

Curve: SC(Right)

Time-frame of use: 2 months/twice a week.

Aesthetics: Non-flashy, stylish, good looking stick. Not that it matters, but I think its a good looking stick.


Weight and Balance: This is one of the lightest/well balaced sticks I have used. According to Combat's website the stick weighs 415grams and it definatly feels that light. The balance of the 52 caliber is spot on as well. The blade feels very light, but solid.


Blade:The 52 cal. blade is a thinner blade, but still feels very solid when passing/shooting. I have used it for over a month 2-3 times a week and I cant find a chip anywhere on the blade. It still feels solid as well, the stick still has that new "pop" when taking a shot.


Shaft/Flex: The shaft to me feels traditional, but has rounded corners that makes the shaft fit very well. I have the non grip regular finish and can easily move my hands as needed, but still can keep a good grip on the stick. I am using the 90 flex, the 52 Cal. comes in: 110,100,90,80. I cut the shaft about 3in. roughly so I can really say how well the 90 flex truely is. I would like to try an 80 flex before I could say for sure which flex I prefer. But I can say I get a good slapper and wrist shot with a 90 flex cut down, so like I said if I had an 80 flex to compare it too the score would be higher here.


Stickhandling and Passing: I really think the light weight and great balance of the stick is the reason for the good stick handling and passing. The thinner blade definatly gives you a great feel for the puck and you can really "feel" the puck pop off your blade when passing. The lightness of the stick is great for someone with quick hands, but is also great for people who dont because you get such a great feel it seems to help improve both passing/stickhandling.


Shooting: When shooting with the 52 Cal. you can really fell the puck move off the stick. With the stick being so light you can get a good rip for a slapper or a nice quick release on wrist/snap shots. This ability to let you get any type of shot off quickly is one of the sticks best features. I have been using the SC curve(spezza) curve and have found it very easy to place my shots high in the corners or low. The 52 Cal. comes in some form of a clone of pretty much every common popular retail curve.


Durability: I have used the 52 Cal. 2-3 times a week for about 2 months and it still feels brand new. Cant find any chips on the blade or shaft. Some paint/graphics have been rubbed off but it is all aesthetic.


Conclusion: The 52 Cal. is a great stick for pretty much anyone. It just has a good all around feel, does pretty much everything well. Like I said I would like to try out an 80 flex to compare to the 90 flex, since I generally only use 85 flex sticks. I got the stick from Combat Rep. I can honestly say this is one of the best sticks I have ever used(and I have tried ALOT) I would reccomened trying the 52 Cal. or any combat stick if you get the chance, if nothing more pick it up to feel how light the stick actually is.

Edited by stock07

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