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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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switching from tapered to standard

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I just aquired a used ak27 shaft with a blade that needs to be replaced. Im considering buying a one95 blade for this shaft and am wondering what i may notice with this setup compared to the Se16 two piece i currently use. I have used tapered shafts/sticks now for about 6-7 years and mostly easton. I dont take many slap shots, mainly control the puck, pass and quick shots. Ive read that the feel is great with the One95 blade, is it worth switching to standard to get that feel? has anyone switched with good results? thanks

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The one95 is an amazing blade that, IMO pairs well with the AK27 shaft.

I can't compare the exact models you're talking about, as it has been years since I've used Easton sticks. I find that I have to apply a bit more force to load the stick with my standard setups (of similar quality and flex to the tapered setups I use). Otherwise I go back and forth between standard and tapered setups without much adjustment.

If you're going to give a 2 piece standard setup a try, I think you've chosen a nice combo to do it with.

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You will probably find that the standard set-up "feels" whippier to you than your old tapered set-ups because your bottom hand will be closer to the flex point.

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^ what Chippa said 100%. I'm an ardent fan of the AK27 due to how it flexes. Never had a better shaft than that. Never used a one 95 blade in it by my old apollo blade is wonderful in there.

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