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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Open Hockey in Jersey

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I live in Westfield...Union Sports Arena is close by on Rt 22, but has only late night open. I have tried Bridgewater Sports Arena for lunchtime open, but nobody goes.

They just added a Tuesday session from 6am-8am which I am going to try.

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Princeton Sports Center in south brunswick has 5-6pm monday, that's as early as it gets there. the ice house, mennen, all those places run late. you could try Warinanco Park, it has open at 4 I think on wednesdays.

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It's not exactly close to you, but Mennen Arena (Morris Plains) and Twin Oaks Ice Arena (Morrsistown) usually have slots around the lunch time. I forget the days and times exactly. Also, Floyd Hall at Montclair University might have some slots every now and then.



And Mennen's phone number is: (973) 326-7651

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