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Velcro knee lock strap

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Do you guys use it?

I took mine off the day I got my pads, I found the knee lock strap to be uncomfortable and I wear my pads pretty loose with no issues (especially the top straps)

What do they do just keep your knee from slipping out of the knee cradle? This happens to me sometimes its a lil annoying but I can deal with it

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I don't use it. I have the straps behind the knee (well, one of them) tightened to substitute and haven't have my knee slip off the landing gear. My current set even has the outside flap of the knee cradle removed.

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I use them on all my pads and have for quite some time. Actually, I can't remember the last set of pads that didn't have one. They are to keep your knee on the landing gear but, because of their nature, they can't totally prevent you from falling off. They also should provide minimal restriction to the rotation of your pads.


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With my RBK 9ks I found the pads rotated much better without the knee lock, but consequently my knee slipped off and hit the ice alot. It wasn't worth the trade off. I haven't tried my battrams without the velco strap, but I might just to see how it feels.

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It's highly dependent on the pads, the pants, and the goalie's knee protection -- and, of course, informed personal preference.

I use reasonably large knee-pads (Brown's) attached to pants with a telescoping thigh (Bauer R6's), and I absolutely cannot use knee-lock straps.

The one thing I have found is that one generally needs a relatively tight knee-strap (that is, the strap(s) governing the position of the knee-wing and knee-block) to compensate for an absent elastic knee-lock.

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It's highly dependent on the pads, the pants, and the goalie's knee protection -- and, of course, informed personal preference.

I use reasonably large knee-pads (Brown's) attached to pants with a telescoping thigh (Bauer R6's), and I absolutely cannot use knee-lock straps.

The one thing I have found is that one generally needs a relatively tight knee-strap (that is, the strap(s) governing the position of the knee-wing and knee-block) to compensate for an absent elastic knee-lock.

I cut the cushiony part of the knee lock on the Bauer pads, one that has big velcro and goes on top of thee knee lift. Feels nicer then just a knee lift alone with a strap. Also knee does not slide as much. My knee pads are huge though, custom PAW with extra support in the right knee.

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I've always been a knee lock guy. I agree it feels a little restrictive at times, but I just don't feel safe missing the landing gear. Maybe try strapping them on at an angle a la Carey Price. That sort of takes away from the restriction you get when you go down

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