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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaving Composite blades

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Got a few new One95 composite blades, and was thinking of using it with a TPS RL shaft that I've got. However the One95 tenons seem to be a little more boxy and dont really fit the internal profile of the RL shaft. I tried an Easton ST blade and it fits perfect. Just wondering if you could shave the corners of the tenon a little to get it to fit? I know that its not recommended, but the corners of the One95 tenon seem to have more material.

The RL shaft looks like its got a rounded radius, so the internal part is a little more rounded.

The one95 blades fit in some of the normal shafts I've got....

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Strange. I had a one95 blade in a couple of my RLXN10 shafts without any issue (a one90 was ok as well). I'd be interested to hear how this one turns out.

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I've got a flipped Response XN10 that the One95 blades fits in perfect with no need for tape or anything. The RL does seem to have more rounded radius compared to my other shafts, similar to a vapor or 'C" type of shaft. If you look at it internally, the inside is rounded as well, so the squarish one95 tenons dont fit. In terms of height and width of the tenon it is spot on, but the squarish sides look like it needs to be rounded out in order to get it to fit.

I might just take a file and round the corners a little and see if it works. The shaft is essentially brand new, the blades have been used with the Response XN10 with no issues... well nothing much else to do besides wait for the flood waters to subside. Might just do it later on today.

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I've got a flipped Response XN10 that the One95 blades fits in perfect with no need for tape or anything. The RL does seem to have more rounded radius compared to my other shafts, similar to a vapor or 'C" type of shaft. If you look at it internally, the inside is rounded as well, so the squarish one95 tenons dont fit. In terms of height and width of the tenon it is spot on, but the squarish sides look like it needs to be rounded out in order to get it to fit.

I might just take a file and round the corners a little and see if it works. The shaft is essentially brand new, the blades have been used with the Response XN10 with no issues... well nothing much else to do besides wait for the flood waters to subside. Might just do it later on today.

Hope that you, your family and friends are all safe!

I did a similar shaving process to get some Mission pro stock blades into broken Montreal Nitro Lite shafts (rounded corners on the inside if I remember). They seemed to work ok, although I haven't used them more than a couple times each.

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