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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thanks alot guys for all the input. At first i wasnt even thinkin of a response + but that is what i went with and I love it. the feel is great and it does feel crazy light. i went with the nash curve and it is a dream

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Do you think they do that so that people that are more familiar with Easton will be more comfortable when buying their brand? Kinda "accidentally on purpose"?

That reminds of a funny story, I once had a guy come to my house to check out an Inno 1100 OPS he wanted to buy. Whne he came to my house he looked at it and said "this is not a Synergy" he automatically thought cause I posted Inno OPS stick that it was a Synergy, and he wouldn't believe me that the inno was fused together as a OPS, he drove me nuts. Easton marketing is awesome. In the early stages of this OPS craze, A player was selling a bunch of Responses I guess he had stolen or got a good deal at Sportchek since he worked there, anyways he came into our dressing room after a game and brought a few of them in and said Hey guys I'm selling Synergies for $80.00, I said there Louissville Responses, then he said But Easton makes them, I just though to myself Oh GOD!

Sorry for the long message.

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