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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley Pro Straight visor with vent and Reebk 6k helmet

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I recently bought a rbk 6k helmet and an Oakley Pro straight visor with vent.

I was under the impresssion that the oakley visors are universal and should fit all helmets.

When i went to install the visor, i was not able to get it to fit the helmet.

Can anyone help out and let me know if they have a rbk 6k helmet with the same visor or if it is indeed possible to use these two together.

thanks in advance

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I recently bought a rbk 6k helmet and an Oakley Pro straight visor with vent.

I was under the impresssion that the oakley visors are universal and should fit all helmets.

When i went to install the visor, i was not able to get it to fit the helmet.

Can anyone help out and let me know if they have a rbk 6k helmet with the same visor or if it is indeed possible to use these two together.

thanks in advance

I just got mine in the mail today and trying to set it up. I got a size medium in the helmet and on hockey monkey it says that they are compatible http://www.hockeymonkey.com/oakley-visor-compatibility-chart.html

Did you accomplish it? and how?

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