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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2003 Easton Air Pants

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I'm assuming that there definitely is a difference b/w the retail and pro versions of this pant, but since I just picked up a pair I was wondering what they are?

I would assume quality of materials is one difference, and level of protection is another?

Anyone have issues with the '03 Easton Air pants as well?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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My retail pants have held together really well. The only thing that is torn is the stitching the holds the back pad up, but the other side is still stitched. My eyelets on them are great too. And the "Bio-Dri" liner is nice, not much smell.

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I have a pair of pro Ducks ones. They have held up for 2 years. They don't scuff up as much as the retail which my buddy has. The padding is a little thinner in the legs. Might just be the ones I have though

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Air pants are the best on the market imo. I havent used/seen the pro versions..

And the 03 airs had a very small difference in the liner. Other than that they are the same as the 04s.

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