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Hockey Night in Canada Towel

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Does anyone own a Hockey Night in Canada towel? Or at least know someone who owns one these towels? I have wanted one for years and have been looking for awhile, but with no luck. I have all but given up on owning an original.

If you do own one, and it is not too much trouble, could anyone please post pics or PM me of it at all spread out? The only pics I have been able to find online are screen-shots of a player wearing it around their neck, all folded up. I would like to replicate it as close as possible for a friend of mine(as a future wedding gift, he is a big fan of the show) and me to display on the towel racks of our home. THIS IS NOT TO BE SOLD IN ANYWAY!

So if you can, please help. Thank you.

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HNIC Towels

I've heard that story from a few NHLers as well, so, doubt it's urban legend.


The Hamilton Spectator ran this story a few years back...

Different societies have different status symbols. North America has cars, houses and jewellery. Many African countries have the cellphone. In some parts of Asia, it's a rare white truffle.

In pro hockey? It's the towel.

If you've been watching Hockey Night In Canada even a little bit, you've seen the one. The white one with the round HNIC logo that's draped over a player's shoulder while he's doing an intermission interview.

Unbelievable as it may sound in a sports world where pocket change is counted in the thousands of dollars and most players make an average Canadian's annual salary in a matter of minutes, in dressing room currency these swaths of woven cotton are absolute gold...

"They're tough to get," Harvey says. "It's like pulling teeth."

That's because the only way to get one -- this is a rule only slightly less etched in stone than the Ten Commandments -- is by being a player who appears on camera. And since only those players who've done something special during a game get asked to appear, these cloths carry the mark of excellence...

Even employees can't get 'em. Marek doesn't have one. In fact, he hasn't seen a single HNIC staffer with one. They're basically kept under lock and key, with only three or four brought to each game and closely guarded until they're presented...

Marek's been amazed as the faces of player after player lit up when the towel was draped over their shoulder.

An exaggeration?

Go ahead and try to find one on eBay or for sale at a memorabilia convention if you think so. You'd have more luck finding a baby seal-skin coat at a PETA convention.

You never know what you will find at Value Village!

But still I am sorry for ignorance, due to my American up bringing I really wasn't aware of the significance

Just trying to help someone out

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