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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Captain Sane

What would be the new equivalent to a Vapor 6 pant

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I'm kinda picky about pants and I've had my current pair for a while, so I obviously like the fit of them. I'm wonder where that fit in the Vapor line when they were new and what would be the equivalent pair in the Vapor line now, and is it basically the same kind of fit now than it was (obviously I'll try them on eventually)?

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I have a pair of Vapor 6 pants that I love and have worn for at least 7 years. They fit so damn well and the zipper front is key! Anyway, I, too, know they won't last forever but as a buyer for my shop there is nothing like these pants in the market for quite a while. I especially like the low cut kidney pads that are tapered into your waist. Everything over the last few years features a bulky kidney pad that I would cut out to try and replicate the Vapor 6 pants. I really wish I had another pair in reserve.

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They were a mid-level pant because I know they had Vapor 10 and I believe Vapor 8 as well. I would say they're prolly gonna be closest to the X:40 or maybe the X:30, though I would lean more towards X:40. My guess would be that the fit would be similar since it is still the Vapor line and you aren't going to the Supremes, but I'm only speculating as I don't know for sure. I'm sure the fit has changed a little over the years. Like you said, you plan on trying them on so those are the two pairs I would look at.

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