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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Combat 52 Cal Goal Stick

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SO let me start off and say I am not the best writer but I will do my best.

I was asked by JR to try out the Combat .52cal Goal stick

It is I believe the same the Pavolec uses.

First impression when I got it from JR was how like and stiff it was. It has been a while since I have dealt with a composite stick. My past experiences have been the 2 different models by Maltese and the old TPS X-hale.

The stiffness if very similar to my Maltese Battleaxe. the weight is definitely light than the others but I am sure materials/manufacturing techniques used then to now are different too.

The .52 cal seems really solid 1st night out was pick up against a bunch of former Minor league players and the stick held up well with little vibration issues, used the stick the whole game, in the past I would have usually had to switch back to my wood sticks near the end because the shot were numbing my arm. I had nerve surgery on my rt elbow back 2000. The .52 cal no problems, took several shots off of it and like stated earlier little vibration. I liked how on the shaft there is the texture on the top half of the stick that helped with some of my poke checks

I have the 27" mid curve which is based on Kolzig's curve. the offset shoulders was a nice touch as well, made the stick more comfortable to hold. I will eventually try it with Bladetape but stick handling with normal tape was easy enough. the Mid curve is very manageable.

as comapred to Law Goalies reviews I feel I am missing something.

I will get pics up later this week


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So it has been about a month and absolutely love how the stick feels.

Shot after shot keeps hitting the paddle and I keep expecting lots of vibration and arm numbness(I had nerve surgery done 10.5 yrs ago)but the vibration was the same as what I experience with my Sherwood SOP 530s still a little early to comment on durability I think but the stick is holding up nicely

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So it has been about a month and absolutely love how the stick feels.

Shot after shot keeps hitting the paddle and I keep expecting lots of vibration and arm numbness(I had nerve surgery done 10.5 yrs ago)but the vibration was the same as what I experience with my Sherwood SOP 530s still a little early to comment on durability I think but the stick is holding up nicely

so after last night's use, the stick is continuing to surprise me,. I got ran and the player trapped my stick, I tried to let go of my stick as quickly as possible. I was afraid that this 200+ person was going to break my stick but it survived the fall.

I really like th ecurve I shoot Turco style whenever possible and I have not issues with this curve, I really like it

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So I have not kept up, not much playing time due to heavy load at work, but really nothing new to report from last 2 sessions, the stick is a dream.

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Well I had a first happen, I went behind the net to stop the puck for my d and thunk, stick caught in the boards, my first thought, great broken stick, but with some ease and care got it out no damage. this is defianatly one of the top composite sticks I have used.

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Sorry for the lapse, something new happened a small chip appeared on the outer edge of the paddle, maybe the size of a head of a thumbtack, but no worries, stick still going strong

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