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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller to Ice Conversions Mission Helium series anyone?

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Show me your roller boots converted to ice. Has anyone converted any of the Helium series mission boots I am looking for 5500s+. Anyone know somewhere that might have left over stock in a 8EE?

Some that I have found:




Seems like the newer models are more common (first one is a pshop) but the Helium series are the most comfortable boot I have ever fit into, anyone converted some?

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Personally, I think the Roller boots on ice blades conversions are pretty much asking for a broken foot.

I've taken some serious shots with a roller puck off Mission boots that did some damage - I can not imagine taking an ice puck directly off a roller boot.

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There's a reason it was locked last time, there is plenty of info on conversions in the inline forum. Do not start another topic on this.

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