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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wow, just wow

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Here in St. Albert all cops have to do is break up underage drinking, speeding tickets and the ever increasing "drug problem"....

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I think it all depends on the province. Here in N-B you can travel with beer in your backseet but the seal can't be opened. At least thatt's what I learned in driving school 6 years ago.

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I think it all depends on the province.  Here in N-B you can travel with beer in your backseet but the seal can't be opened.  At least thatt's what I learned in driving school 6 years ago.

You'd know the rules, Quebec's only about half a kilometer away!

Oh, Cataracts beat your boys in a shootout!

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Yeah, our boys were missing their best player who was at the Reps tournament here i personally left the team because of my injury(to my ribs, might end up beeing a muscular tear of my oblical muscle in my left rib side), went to look for a job instead. I'll be working at Canadian Tires in Edston, I'll make more money that way to put on my mountain bike for this summer(that I intend to buy this spring), I'll play hockey when I want to.

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From New Brunswick: My younger brother received a $168.00 fine on Halloween for not wearing his seatbelt. He was in the back seat of a Hyundai Tiburon (Not sure on spelling), sitting in the middle, where there was no seat belt. The cop had no reason to pull my brother and his friends over but, oh well. Weird thing was that he was only 30 seconds away from the house.

Oh and Denis, my older brother bought a BBQ from that Canadian Tire, lol.

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I think it all depends on the province. Here in N-B you can travel with beer in your backseet but the seal can't be opened. At least thatt's what I learned in driving school 6 years ago.

I think it's the same in Ontario.

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Typical scenario of a country where too many people have become dependant on employment by some form of government to make a living, and do not have real work to keep them busy...some spend their time dreaming up laws and others run around making minor "nightmares" out of these "dreams" for others.

Canadian Customs was another good example....once NAFTA laws("free trade agreement") were in place, instead of being a simpler situation for all, they found 10 more exceptions and thus reasons to stop and inspect your goods...this whole body of laws was rapidly considered excellent "job security" by the customs officials.....Sorry all you Canucks out there..but that is the one thing I do not miss about Canada....

I had a good friend in college who had his masters degree in political science...he was hired by the Canadian Federal government to dream up job descriptions, so they could create new departments underneath these newly invented department heads(mid seventies).....I am NOT exagerating!!!!

Unfortunately with such a large land mass and so few people, it is very hard to not have a "socialist" style government in much of the country, where the government keeps "unemployment " down by hiring so many people for many really unecessary jobs.

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And if you canadian guys go to prison and get bailled, remember to claim your free horse, it's apparently a law in Canada that you should receive one if you get out of jail.

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