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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vancouver, BC (Spring League)

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spring league team looking for a few players to add to the roster for spring league ice hockey at UBC TAHL. We will be registering in Div 2 (experienced to advanced --handful of roster will have had A-AAA, rep, junior hockey experience, but most have 7-10 years of organized or rec hockey.). looking for defencemen and forwards, please indicate your preference. cost is $350 (plus $30 jersey deposit), includes 14 regular season games, plus 2 playoff games. the league features online everything (stats, schedule, team locker room), 3 x 13 min stop time periods, 2 refs and a scorekeeper. games a re 65% weeknight, 35% weekend. weeknight games are played at 7pm, 8:30pm and 10pm. weekend games are played between 11:30am and 8pm. fees are payable in two installments.

really social team, some seriously funny guys on the team... we play to win but we're not ALL ABOUT winning. there's zero ego, no attitude, everyone has fit in so far. if you're interested or have any questons, post here or PM me.


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shotty, do you have a need for spares? What do you do come Fall for the regular season? I've been playing mostly soccer for the last 5-6 years and haven't played a ton of hockey, I have played rep AAA my whole life and a bit of Junior B, and have essentially played as a spare for D3-D1 teams over the last ten years or so. PM me if you are looking for more help.

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