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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior projekt shin and elbow ?

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just wondering if anybody has either of these...i've heard nothing but good things for the most part, as well as tried them on and they feel great...however, the elbow pads seem like the actual elbow protection isnt as good as others like the reebok...it seems like less actual hard padding...also, the shins are nice fitting but seem kind of cheap...just wondering how these have held up over time, if anybody has felt anything through them...thanks

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I want to say I have had the shins for close to a year or whenever they came out and they are holding up fairly well, I play around twice a week. It looks like I could get another year out of them. I tried the elbows but returned them. They didnt fit me good.

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I have both. I haven't felt anything through the shins and there are no cracks after several months of use (about 8 months) - all the wear is cosmetic. I haven't felt anything through the elbows either, but the stitching did come out on the straps very early on, however; my aunt sewed them up better for me with her machine and they've held up fine every since.

If I were to make improvements I'd make the liners removable on the shins and add grip to both products, but they're light, comfortable and have held up well. I'd recommend them if they fit you well.

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I've got the elbow pads. The fit is fair, but I have skinny arms. They tend to slide after a bit of playing. More grip would be nice. It might fit you better if you have bigger arms. Padding is good in forearm and bicep. There is almost no padding in the elbow socket. It actually hurt when I landed on that area. Mobility is excellent as it is a 3 piece elbow pad. Good for rec league play.

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I've got the elbow pads. The fit is fair, but I have skinny arms. They tend to slide after a bit of playing. More grip would be nice. It might fit you better if you have bigger arms.

Yes, the do seem to size a bit large. I used to use large Nike V14's and Bauer One90s, but sized down to mediums in the Projekt elbows. After playing a while they can slide if you don't do them tight with the middle strap. An undershirt with grip elbows help, but grip inside the elbows would've been a nice addition. They're definitely very light, mobile and comfortable. I haven't had any problems with the protection, but I haven't fallen right on my elbow in them.

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