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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Platinum/Silver/Bronze Series Protective

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Hey can anyone elaborate on where the Reebok Platinum, Silver, and Bronze Series protective equipment fits in relation to the Reeboks standard protective offerings? It appears this equipment is a SMU for The Hockey Shops/Source for Sports, correct? It looks like they are offering SMU gloves, elbows, shoulders, pants, shins, and skates. Based on the photos, the Platinum series = moded 10k, Silver = moded 8k, Bronze = moded 6k, yea? I like the simplicity and different features on some of the products, for instance the Platinum pant looks like a 9k with the lace up front seen on the 7k and 5k. Are the elbows, shoulders, shins made in the Orient still or Sweden? Most of the items can be seen here: http://www.sourceforsports.com/hockeyworld/. Google search works to. Thanks.

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As far as the shoulder pads go, I have a bit of info on the Platinum. I called TheHockeyShop about them, and apparently their based on the 9k model. I actually really liked them, I'd definitely buy them if I wasn't using Jofa.

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The SMU are going to have features of a higher and lower protective. Standard practice in retail. Pretty much their whole line is made in Asia.

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