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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shared Equipment for Jr/Youth Inline

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Our inline hockey association is kicking around the idea of having a general set of goalie gear for new goalies to use as they enter the program. The biggest reason, obviously, is the cost to the parents and our goal is to keep costs down especially when kids are still up in the air about playing and sticking with the sport, let alone being a goalie.

I've done some research and poked around the threads here and have a few questions. Equipment would be for elementary school age kids (1st-3rd)graders for the most part. They would use their helmet/cage combos and we'd provide a throat protector. Skates are at their discretion. We may opt to provide a stick as we're going with the standard left handed glove.

So, with that said:

- Are we doing them a disservice by providing a general set of equipment for them to use? We fully recognize it won't be perfectly tailored to them, but will it turn them off or ruin the experience?

- Any particular brands/models we should steer clear of? I see some Mission and Tour equipment on IW that's reasonably priced for our needs, but will it hold up/provide protection? Or should be look at Bauer or Reebok sets that can be had in a combo around $300-$400 for the legs pads, blocker, and glove?

- Any experiences with shared equipment within an organization that might point us in the right direction?

Any and all advice would be appreciated. Though I've been coaching for a couple of years, goalie is fairly nebulous to me as my goalie's parents have always handled their own gear.


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